Anthony Convey

Travel Expert

With a father who always loved to travel, I became an early and willing accomplice. To me, every place we visited felt like a different planet. Whether we were uncovering the night markets of Thailand, standing in awe of the towering Canadian Rockies, or feeling the thrill of safari in East Africa. Each were defining moments in my life, and each ignited a passion within me to explore. As soon as I was old enough to travel on my own, I was off.

Curiosity is a big deal at Black Tomato – a kind of mantra we repeat (sometimes out loud). And that curiosity doesn’t always reveal itself as something huge. It might be the pursuit of a particular taste, the brief glimpse of a wild animal, a scent. As a Travel Expert, it’s my job to help our travelers weave their way through the world, pursuing their passions – chasing their curiosities (however small – or big). Working together, we turn these moments, dreams, and desires into once-in-a-lifetime journeys for our travelers.

Really, it’s something like a collaboration, a conversation – and it always spurs my own travels and adventures (particularly when it revolves around wildlife, the outdoors, or – crucially – sport).

'I've never felt more at home'

A closer look at South Africa

Grass, heather, wood smoke. I can still smell the scent of an evening spent beside the firepit at South Africa’s Grootbos Nature Reserve. Beyond the fire, in the darkness, were all manner of wildlife: antelope, woodpeckers, black-backed jackals. I’d never felt further from ‘civilization’. Or more at home.

Best of South Africa & Mozambique: The Big Five

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“Black Tomato are one of the coolest things in the world. Don’t even try and live without them”

“Black Tomato is a super innovative company where the sky is the limit for their clients”

“Black Tomato prides itself on meeting customers every minor need or desires”

“Black Tomato is the choice provider of mind-expanding vacations”

“Black Tomato has made it a mission to keep the world of travel fresh, responsible, and exciting”