Ian Jordan - Travel Expert

Ian Jordan

Travel Expert

They say that where you come from ultimately shapes the way you travel. Born in the Yorkshire countryside, it was something of a foregone conclusion that I would always find my feet in the great outdoors. Put another way: Yorkshire may be behind me, but the world is not – from the wilds of Argentine Patagonia to the jungles of the Amazon.

As a Travel Expert at Black Tomato, specializing in Latin America, the Caribbean, North Africa and Oceania, I continue to bring this sense of adventure to the trips I plan for our travelers. This is about taking people far off the beaten path, and giving them – and you – the kinds of moments that I’ll never forget. Like spotting pumas in the Chilean wilds. While you can’t guarantee these things, we aim – with our approach to travel – to create conditions where the remarkable can happen.

'the one that will linger with me forever'

A closer look at Chile

Moments hold so much power when you’re traveling. For me, that ‘moment’ – the one that will linger with me forever – came during a five-day trek through Torres del Paine, Chile. Flung unimaginably far from any traces of ‘civilization’, this place remains, to this day, one of the most mesmerizing wildernesses I’ve ever journeyed across.

Chilean Patagonia: A Luxurious Adventure

“Many companies brag about offering once-in-a-lifetime experiences. But with Black Tomato it’s not hyperbole”

“Black Tomato are one of the coolest things in the world. Don’t even try and live without them”

“Black Tomato is a super innovative company where the sky is the limit for their clients”

“Black Tomato prides itself on meeting customers every minor need or desires”

“Black Tomato is the choice provider of mind-expanding vacations”

“Black Tomato has made it a mission to keep the world of travel fresh, responsible, and exciting”