Laura Vetil - Headshot

Laura Vétil

Global Travel Advisor

I am the first American in my French family. Born in North Carolina, raised between Paris, Montreal, and Raleigh. Each year, we embarked on a summer vacation to my grandmother’s home in Bretagne, France. The sentiment around this annual convention (or family reunion) remains monumental. I remember the exhilaration I felt leading up to our departure – that anticipation and preparation was ritualistic and discussed by everyone. For months.

During the trip, I was in paradise. And when it ended, I was already looking ahead to the following year. This feeling that accompanies travel has continued to manifest all throughout my life, regardless of where I’m headed.

And it’s precisely this feeling – the anticipation, the euphoria – that we want to capture for our travelers. As a Global Travel Advisor, it’s my job to get that conversation started – helping our travelers to pick the places that give them that same flutter of anticipation. For us, the feelings always come first.

"Good news, you will be the only ones on the mountain"

A closer look at Kenya

You make time for the ones you care about. So, it was only natural that I made time to visit my two older brothers who now live in Nairobi, Kenya. And it was only natural that my mother did too.

As part of our family reunion, we set off on an adventure to conquer Mount Longonot, an extinct volcano about a two-hour drive from Nairobi. It was a calm Tuesday morning. On our arrival, we met the National Park Rangers who were sitting on white picnic chairs at the base of the volcano. “Good news, you will be the only ones on the mountain – good luck with your hike!”, they said. With these words of encouragement, our eight-hour excursion began. Climbing in a single file line, we teetered along the lip of the crater before drinking in the views – and celebrating with an ice-cold Coca Cola.

Discover Kenya

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